Frazier Suckers


Frazier instruments are used in open surgical procedures where fine, delicate suction is necessary to evacuate fluid and debris from the surgical site.

All Frazier products have these features:

  • Each instrument is supplied with an obturator to facilitate shaping of the shaft and clearing the instrument of obstructions
  • Single use, sterile to prevent cross contamination
  • Malleable, aluminum shaft to resist flaking
  • 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 and 18 French
  • Full size handle provides a positive grip
  • Control Vents allow suction control
31030 3 French Frazier, Baron                                      – Disc-shaped handle provides delicate touch and balance for microsurgery                                            – Lightweight and flexible tubing                              – Malleable, stainless steel shaft obturator Box/10
31050 5 French Frazier, Baron                                   Box/10
33080 Frazier Suction Instrument 8 Fr                      – Full size handle provides a positive grip                  – Control Vents allow suction control Box/10
33100 Frazier Suction Instrument 10 Fr Box/10
33120 Frazier Suction Instrument 12 Fr Box/10
33180 Frazier Suction Instrument 18 Fr                    (18 French is non-vented) Box/10